2009年1月27日 星期二

DoDoer the Beanwork 建立Blog的第一天

我的工作是從世界各地搜尋採買健康安心的食材。卻特別容易因豆豆深蘊的元氣所感動,願能通過此一Beanworker‧DoDoer‧逗豆先生 Blog 來與同感者共習共享逗豆的經驗、知識與樂趣。

Beans and Peas are seeds in which energy and information of mighty potentials are embedded.
Small as it may but spur and spread life of green grass, flower beauty and some top into Gigantic tree touching the sky end.
As a Foodworker, I spend efforts on sourcing the healthy food materials worldwide night and day. Frequently moving by the magic power of beans, it dormant and silently wait, message reached, it energetically rise and hurray to the possible high and wide.
With a humble expectation, someday friendships making through the loving of Beans and Peas, DoDoer the Beanworker Blog will grow like Jack's Bean have the function and name pervade.
Now let the show and share beginning with "The Bean of Fresh, Edamame"

1 則留言:

Jorge Chou 提到...

DoDoer 你好,
請問你研究過黑豆balck bean嗎?